Strange Curse (Short Horror Story) Script
Strange Curse (Short Horror Story) Script Strange Curse Characters – Mira - (Young girl around age 25) Rahul - (House Dealer/Around 34) Stranger – (Owner/Hidden) Screenplay – INT.House.Day (Rahul and Mira are roaming in the house and Rahul was addressing Mira and showing her different rooms and galleries of the house) Rahul (convincing) This would be the best choice for you and you can adjust very well to this beautiful house, a perfect one for a lone girl like you. The rents are too low as it is a small house and big families don’t want small houses. Mira (happily) Yes it’s perfect and I have decided to stay but if you are going to charge any further for the services, please inform me now. Rahul (Convincing) No hidden charges Miss Mira. Don’t worry. Mira (Happily) Oh! Thank you. Soon I’ll return with my stuff. Goodbye. Rahul Goodbye. Have a nice day. ...