
Showing posts from June, 2021

Bloody Mary - [Legends around the world - Ep7]

Bloody Mary Bloody Mary Bloody Mary is a legend of a ghost, phantom, or spirit conjured to reveal the future. She is said to appear in a mirror when her name is chanted repeatedly.  The Bloody Mary apparition may be benign or malevolent, depending on historic variations of the legend. Bloody Mary appearances are mostly "witnessed" in group participation play or by a man who is about to die. Origin Story Historically, the divination ritual encouraged young women to walk up a flight of stairs backward holding a candle and a hand mirror, in a darkened house. As they gazed into the mirror, they were supposed to be able to catch a view of their future husband's face.  Bloody Marry There was, however, a chance that they would see a skull (or the face of the Grim Reaper) instead, indicating that they were going to die before they would have the chance to marry. Dark Mary In the ritual of today, Bloody Mary allegedly appears to individuals or groups who ritualistically invoke her...

अनोखा टीवी (डरावनी कहानी)

 अनोखा टीवी (डरावनी कहानी) अनोखा टीवी एक बार मैंने एक नया टी.वी. खरीदा। टी.वी. को सेट किया और चालू किया। सब कुछ ठीक चल रहा था, और मैंने अलग-अलग चैनल खोजना शुरू कर दिया।  तभी मैं एक चैनल पर रुक गया। उसमें दिखा रहे थे कि आदमी टेलीविजन देख रहा है और अचानक उसकी रसोई में कूच गिर जाता है। मुझे आश्चर्य हुआ, मेरी रसोई में भी ऐसा ही हुआ। मैंने इसे अनदेखा कर दिया और टीवी देखता रहा। तभी टीवी में उस व्यक्ति के पीछे से एक बिल्ली भागकर जाती है। मेरे साथ भी ऐसा ही हुआ; एक बिल्ली मेरी पीठ से पिछले दरवाजे की ओर भागी। मैने सोचा, यह एक संयोग हो सकता है। टी.वी. में उस आदमी के कमरे की रोशनी टिमटिमाने लगी और मेरी लाइट्स के साथ भी यही हुआ। मैं डर गया और स्थिति को समझने की कोशिश कर रहा था। यह सब कुछ असामान्य था और पूरी तरह से मेरे दिमाग से बाहर था। फिर टी.वी. में किसी ने दरवाजा तोड़ा और अंदर बैठे व्यक्ति को चाकू मार दिया। अब मुझे पता है कि क्या होने वाला था, मैंने दरवाजे की तरफ देखा। एक आदमी ने दरवाजा तोड़ा और चाकू लेकर मेरी तरफ आ रहा था। में बोहोत दर गया पर होश संभाले हुए मैने जल्दी से टी.वी बंद कर ...

The Red Room - [Legends around the world - Ep6]

The Red Room  The Red Room This modern scary story comes in the form of a computer popup and originated in the 1990s. Do you like red room? Pop-up The curse starts with a pop-up that appears on a victim’s computer screen when they are alone in a room. It has a red background with black letters asking “do you like the Red Room?” It’s impossible to close out of the popup, it’s frozen on the screen. Do you like the red room? You won’t be able to escape the room you’re in when the pop-up appears, as the doors and windows will suddenly lock. Your body will be discovered days later, dead in your room, surrounded by walls painted red with blood. The Reed Room Illustration The victim senses an unknown presence in the room and loses consciousness. The victim is slowly driven to commit suicide by the supernatural forces and the walls of the room are painted with their own blood. Red Room The Red Room Curse became popular in the dark corners of the internet after a 12-year...

Nü gui - [Legends around the world - Ep5]

 Nü gui - [Legends around the world - Ep5]   Nü gui Nü gui is a vengeful female ghost with long hair in a white dress. In folklore, this ghost is the spirit of a woman who committed suicide while wearing a red dress.  Usually, she experienced some form of injustice when she was alive, such as being wronged or sexually abused. She returns to take her revenge.  Nü gui White Nü Gui come into being when a woman commits suicide after being wronged, or after expe riencing some form of injustice when she was alive. According to related folklore, if a woman in one of the aforementioned situations has a red dress on when she commits suicide, the chances of her becoming a Nü Gui are even greater. Nu Gui Spirit A tabloid story tells of a funeral ceremony where family members of a murder victim dress her in red, in the hope that her spirit will return to take revenge on her murderer. Nü gui Red On the other hand, some ancient folktales tell of beautiful female ghosts who seduc...